
不必全部回答.但至少挑4題.謝謝!!1.My favorite soprt.2.Factors of poverty problems in taiwan.3.My leisure time activities.4.Three things I like about Taiwan.5.What do I like(or dislike)about Japanese culture.6.My favorite TV commerial(explain why).7.Name one chinese taboo that is believed to bring bad luck.
1.My favorite soprt. My favorite sport is the badminton. It's easy to learn and easy to play. You can have a game by simply two people. It doesn't take you much energy but it trains your active response

to aim at the the badminton ball and hit it back. It's a lot of fun to play badminton.2.Factors of poverty problems in taiwan. (連中文我都不太講的出來= =)3.My leisure time activities. I have only one leisure time activity

that is going on the Internet. I receive mails on the Internet

I chat with friends on the Internet and I even finds informations for homework on the Internet. Internet helps me a lot

so I love going on the Internet.4.Three things I like about Taiwan. The first is the food. I've been to London

Belgium and Hong Kong

but none of the foods there were better in what we have in Taiwan. The second is the weather. The weather is not too cold and not too hot in here. When I went to London

I had to wear sweater in the summer there; England's weather is pretty much colder than Taiwan. The third is the price. Though we don't have many famous brand here

but we can always buy pretty nice clothes with reasonable prices. These are what I like about Taiwan.5.What do I like(or dislike)about Japanese culture. The Japanese culture that I dislike is the oppression of the people. They oppress their ideas and feelings usually and have complaints inside their hearts. As the time goes

the disatisfactions ture into hatred. That's why Japan is peaceful

but all of a sudden there are terrible murder or homicide some times.6.My favorite TV commerial(explain why). (我沒有耶)7.Name one chinese taboo that is believed to bring bad luck. One taboo I've heard about is to open a black umbrealla indoors. It's said that black umbrellas attract spirits. So if one opens a black umbrella in one's house

the spirits come and they stay there.


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