急! 請英文高手幫忙兩段英文翻譯 20點




Every culture has is own unwritten list of behavior that is acceptable. Every society also has its taboos

or types of behavior that are considerd a violation of good manners.If you travel to another country

on business or vacation

it is helpful to learn come of that country\'s customs so that you don\'t insult the local people.The word taboo comes from the Tongan language and is used in modern English to describe and nonverbal behavior that is forbidden or to be avoided. In spite of what some may think

taboos are not universal; they tend to be specific to a culture or country

and usually form around a group\'s values and beliefs. Therefore

what is considered acceptable behavior in country may be a serious taboo in another
Every culture has is own unwritten list of behavior that is acceptable. Every society also has its taboos

or types of behavior that are considerd a violation of good manners.If you travel to another country

on business or vacation

it is helpful to learn come of that country's customs so that you don't insult the local people.每一個文化都有它自己可接受的不成文行為清單...每個社會也都有自己的禁忌.或者會有某些行為類型被認為是違反了好行為的標準...假如你在別的國家旅行.談生意或者度假.學習那個國家的習俗可以幫助你不去冒犯當地的人The word taboo comes from the Tongan language and is used in modern English to describe and nonverbal behavior that is forbidden or to be avoided. In spite of what some may think

taboos are not universal; they tend to be specific to a culture or country

and usually form around a group's values and beliefs. Therefore

what is considered acceptable behavior in country may be a serious taboo in another


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