

謝謝各位大大嘍! 窩真的不太會翻句子! 拜託了!!Finally

if you are traveling on business

or plan to stay with a host family

and you wish to take a gift

do some research. The idea of the perfect gift varies greatly from country to country

and one of the easiest ways to offend somebody is to give the wrong gift. In China

it is taboo to give clocks and fans. The Chinese word for ‘separation

’while the sound for ‘clock’is ‘four

’as the sound of the word ‘four’in Japanese is similar to the sound of the word meaning ‘death.’

if you are traveling on business

or plan to stay with a host family

and you wish to take a gift

do some research.最後﹐如果你是商務旅行﹐或是計劃待在寄宿家庭﹐並且希望帶點禮物﹐要做點研究。

The idea of the perfect gift varies greatly from country to country

and one of the easiest ways to offend somebody is to give the wrong gift.從這個國家到下個國家﹐完美禮物的定義有很大的不同。


In China

it is taboo to give clocks and fans. The Chinese word for ‘separation

’while the sound for ‘clock’is ‘four

’as the sound of the word ‘four’in Japanese is similar to the sound of the word meaning ‘death.’(這裡標點符號似乎有誤﹐應該是﹕ it is taboo to give clocks and fans

the Chinese word for ‘separation

) 在中國﹐給鐘和扇子是個禁忌﹐中文裡﹐扇和“散”同音﹐而鐘的發音是“四” (orz

stupid American)﹐四在日文裡跟“死”發音相似。



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