On the strength of stocks across the industry
health care fundsreturn an amazing 51.9 percent in 2000. The group's recordwas unmatched by any other type of fund
beating the second-best performing sector—energy funds—by a wide margin. Ofthe top 15 mutual funds in 2000
12 were focused on healthcare
with their performance far outpacing the technology-heavy Nasdaq in 2000.Pharmaceutical companies have shined over the same periodthat has witnessed the demise of the Internet stocks. Investorenthusiasm toward health care concerns has rekindled asa result. Since the dot-corn slump
drug companies have faredquite well. For instance
Pfizer reported third-quarter earningsfor 2001 that were up 28 percent over the same period in 2000.Even though the stock is down 1 percent over the past12 months
that small loss pales in comparison with a 15 per-cent slide in the S